THREE RECIPES that you can cook at HOME


Davide is suggesting THREE RECIPIES
that you can cook AT HOME!

Zucchini crepes with pecorino fondue


For the crepes:
– 500 ml milk
– 3 eggs
– 200 gr flour
– 50 gr butter
– salt

– 10 small zucchini with blossoms
– 1 onion
– 200 gr of fresh Ricotta
– olive oil

Pecorino fondue:
– 200 gr flavorful soft Зecorino
– 200 gr milk
– 30 gr flour


You can also find ready-made crêpes on the market, but here you can find the original recipe: With a blender, mix all ingredients and let the mixture stand in the fridge for 1 hour. Pour the mixture in a non-stick crepe pan. Cook it using a crepe spreader.

Brown the chopped onion in a pan with olive oil, add the diced zucchini together with their blossoms and salt. Leave to cool. Add the ricotta and mix well.

Stuff the crêpes with the zucchini and ricotta mixture and roll them up. Place all ingredients in a saucepan on low heat and mix continuously. Bring to boil and then turn off the stove.

To present the crepes: Heat the crepes, divide among single serving plates, pour the fondue on top while still hot. Garnish with fresh parsley.

Stuffed squid


– 4 medium-sized squid
– 150 gr. Fresh Ricotta
– 100 gr. Spicy Provolone
– olive oil to taste
– 125 ml of white wine.
– mixed salads


Clean the squid, finely chop the provolone and then add the ricotta. Stuff the squid with the cheese mixture and close with toothpicks.

In a pan, warm up the oil and brown the squid homogenously on all sides. Add wine. Put the squid in a pan and finish cooking in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cool the squid to room temperature and serve with a salad as side dish.

Mille-feuille with Cream and Wild Berries


For the cream:
– Whole milk 500 g
– Sugar 130 g
– Yolks (about 7) 125 g
– Rice starch or flour 40 g
– Lemon zest ½


You can find ready-made puff pastry on the market. With a large cup cut round discs or, if you prefer, cut squares of 15 cm per side.

Boil the milk, then add all the other ingredients previously well mixed together. Cook and stir continuously with a ladle for a few minutes, until the cream is firm.

Let the cream cool. Serve on single plates. First place the pastry then the cream and wild berries on top. Repeat the process until three layers are reached. Finally, decorate with the strawberry sauce, edible flowers, fresh mint leaves and powdered sugar.